Chennai Super Kings' Suresh Raina has again to India because of non-public motives and could pass over the entire IPL 2020 season, the franchise tweeted on Saturday. "Suresh Raina has again to India for non-public motives and may be unavailable for the the rest of the IPL season. Chennai Super Kings gives entire help to Suresh and his own circle of relatives for the duration of this time," CSK CEO KS Viswanathan turned into quoted as announcing at the crew's legit Twitter handle. Suresh Raina has been an vital a part of the the CSK crew from the very starting and his departure will come as a big blow to the side.
Raina, who recently introduced his retirement from global cricket along his CSK and India teammate MS Dhoni, is the very best scorer for CSK withinside the IPL with 5,368 runs and 2nd maximum normal after Virat Kohli's 5,412.
The upcoming IPL season is about to start on September 19 with Chennai Super Kings taking up protecting champions Mumbai Indians withinside the event opener.
CSK had been beset with the aid of using troubles even earlier than the event has started.