Saturday, 19 September 2020

Books Tesla CEO Elon Musk needs you to examine

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has had pretty an year. Despite the continued pandemic, Musk’s wealth has grown exponentially. Musk, at one time, in advance in August turned into the fourth richest guy withinside the world. He is one of these uncommon tech CEOs who stays definitely energetic on Twitter. From jokes and memes to information approximately Tesla, Musk is prolific on Twitter. One different element that he makes use of his Twitter take care of for is to suggest books to his followers. Here we listing 20 of the books advocated via way of means of him. 

Life 3.0: Being Human withinside the Age of Artificial Intelligence via way of means of Max Tegmark

“This is a compelling manual to the demanding situations and selections in our quest for a splendid destiny of life, intelligence and consciousness—on Earth and beyond,” Musk stated approximately the ee-e book.

​Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future via way of means of Peter Thiel

“Peter Thiel has constructed more than one step forward companies, and Zero to One indicates how,” is how Musk defined the ee-e book written via way of means of one of the maximum a success VCs in Silicon Valley.

​Twelve Against the Gods: The Story of Adventure via way of means of William Bolitho

"It's definitely pretty precise,” Musk stated approximately the ee-e book.

​The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself via way of means of Sean Carroll

“Highly suggest something via way of means of Sean Carroll”. Clearly, Musk is partial to Carroll’s writings.

​Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies via way of means of Nick Bostrom

Worth analyzing.... We want to be extraordinary cautious with AI. Potentially greater risky than nukes, stated Musk approximately the ee-e book in one in all his tweets.

​Lying via way of means of Sam Harris

“Read "Lying", the brand new ee-e book via way of means of my pal Sam Harris. Excellent cowl artwork and masses of precise motives now no longer to lie!,” is what Musk stated approximately this ee-e book.

​Screw Business as Usual via way of means of Richard Branson

Liked "Screw Business as Usual" a lot. This technique must be taken to coronary heart via way of means of all, because it definitely is the clever move, Musk stated whilst recommending the ee-e book.

​Atlas Shrugged via way of means of Ayn Rand

“Very attractive if you’re a sophomore in college. It’s a counterpoint to communism and beneficial as such, however must be tempered with kindness,” stated Musk approximately Rand’s different maximum famous ee-e book after The Fountainhead.

Daemon via way of means of Daniel Suarez

Daemon is a splendid examine is how Musk defined this ee-e book.

​Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Climate Change via way of means of Naomi Oreskes and Erik M Conway

“Worth analyzing Merchants of Doubt. Same who attempted to disclaim smoking deaths r denying weather change” [sic].