Sharing the big news on the special occasion of Vinayagar Chaturthi, Suriya wrote, "Vinyagar Chathurthi wishes to all.. Soorarai Pottru on Prime." He also announced his massive donation of Rs 5 crore to the people affected by COVID-19, the cine workers of the film industry and the frontline COVID warriors. Well, we are sure the fans are more than excited with the news are gearing up to watch the movie on screen to feast their eyes on the versatile actor.
The action-drama helmed by Irudhi Suttru fame Sudha Kongara is a gripping Bio-pic that features Mohan Babu and Aparna Balamurali in pivotal roles. Soorarai Pottru is inspired by the life of Captain GR Gopinath, a retired Army captain, who founded the low-cost airline Air Deccan.